Di, 24. Dez, keine Angaben für Heiligabend. Bitte anrufen...! (Usual opening hours: 00.00-24.00)
Mi, 25. Dez, keine Angaben für 1. Weihnachtstag. Bitte anrufen...! (Usual opening hours: 00.00-24.00)
Do, 26. Dez, keine Angaben für 2. Weihnachtstag. Bitte anrufen...! (Usual opening hours: 00.00-24.00)
Bewertungen (5)
Azia 08. Feb 2017 um 17:15
You've really helped me unrasdtend the issues. Thanks.
Jock 06. Feb 2017 um 11:37
At last some railtnatioy in our little debate.
Cathleen 05. Feb 2017 um 5:37
Alright! Mine is sitting on the? stove as we speak. I did 40 min since mine had the milk mixture still oozing out. And it is jiggily but I’ll heed your word and not put it back in the oven. Will check in the am. Happy Th!iksgnvinga!
Schall 19. Sep 2014 um 12:34
Ein sehr schlechter Service.
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