Di, 24. Dez, keine Angaben für Heiligabend. Bitte anrufen...! (Usual opening hours: 07.00-22.00)
Mi, 25. Dez, keine Angaben für 1. Weihnachtstag. Bitte anrufen...! (Usual opening hours: 07.00-22.00)
Do, 26. Dez, keine Angaben für 2. Weihnachtstag. Bitte anrufen...! (Usual opening hours: 07.00-22.00)
Bewertungen (4)
Veruca 08. Feb 2017 um 17:15
It's really great that people are sharing this infmooatirn.
Kelenna 06. Feb 2017 um 11:37
I guess finding useful, reliable inmoafrtion on the internet isn't hopeless after all.
Staysha 05. Feb 2017 um 5:30
Yes, I grant permission to Baron to delete that comment, as it has been mirsudenstood too many times already.This is all a good reason as to why the police should not be allowed these illberal powers given to them by the PC power structure. They will only be abused, the same goes for ID cards.
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